santa marta

Another tourist site in the Colombian Caribbean.

  • It is the capital of the Department of Magdalena, considered the most beautiful bay in America and the oldest city in South America. Its climate is on average 28 ° C.

  • It is a city that mixes the green of its mountains with the blue of the sea, it is a city that has beach plans and culture. One of the important places to visit is the Tayrona National Natural Park where you will find crystal clear waters, white sand, it is an ideal place to have a connection with nature.

  • 1
    Always carry your personal documents.
  • 2
    Always be careful with your personal items such as your documents, your money among others.
  • 3
    No hable ni acepte cosas de personas extrañas.
  • 4
    Don't talk or accept things from strangers. It is recommended to wear comfortable, light and cool clothing, due to its temperature.
  • 5
    It is advisable to get vaccinated 15 days before against yellow fever if you are going to visit Tayrona Park.
  • 6
    It is also very important to consume bottled water and not from the tap.
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